Toogethr & EasyPark

increase your revenue with Toogethr & Easypark

Open up your corporate car park for paid private
visitors via our new EasyPark integration.

Easypark mobile visual parkingspots


Dynamische integratie

Generate revenue by letting private visitors park in your car park
via the EasyPark app.Through Toogethr's Smart Parking software and reporting tools, you gain insights into off-peak hours and available excess capacity.Simply add the excess parking spaces to the EasyPark module and let visitors park in your car park on weekends or outside office hours.

The integration works dynamically, so you can make optimal use of low occupancy.

Easypark dashboard visual
+50% ROI
With Toogethr's software, there is maximum flexibility for tenants and users. From the property owner's point of view, there is steering and control to achieve the ultimate (value) optimisation of parking facilities.
Robert Ciggaar
Associate Director Residential & 
Hotel Investments, Savills
Easypark mobile screenshot

Easy transactions

Reserveren en betalen via de EasyPark app

Private visitors find, park and pay for the parking spaces offered via the EasyPark app. Once the vehicle registration plate is recognised, the barrier opens automatically. Furthermore, the parking transaction stops automatically when leaving the garage, payment is made via the app.

secure parking on your property

Parkeerders zijn bekend

Because users are registered with EasyPark or Toogethr, there are unknown parkers in your car park. This allows you to communicate with all users of your car park in the event of an emergency.

easypark visual

make money from excess parking spaces with Toogethr and EasyPark

  • Increase the revenue of your car park
  • Safety guaranteed: all users are registered
  • Efficient use of existing parking spaces

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