Empty parking spaces? How to get revenue from your car park

For companies in major cities, a unique but growing challenge is emerging: empty parking spaces. Your car park might be full during peak times, but much less so during off-peak hours. On average, a parking space is empty for 584 hours a month. This is a missed opportunity, as you can easily rent out these spaces to paying visitors and increase your revenue. Want to know how? Read on.

Fewer public parking spaces due to car-free city centres

Many cities are moving towards car-free city centres, discouraging drivers from bringing their cars into the city. A large number of cities are doing this by abolishing parking spaces in the centre. For example, in 2023 Utrecht removed more than 65 street parking spaces to make room for bicycle spaces. Amsterdam aims to eliminate around 10,000 parking spaces by 2025 and directs visitors to one of the many P+Rs outside the centre.

In addition to the reduction in current parking spaces, we also see that:

  • The Dutch population continues to grow. According to the CBS, the number of inhabitants will grow to 18 million by 2024 and reach 19 million by 2037.
  • More and more cars are being added. On 1 January 2024, the Netherlands had more than 9.1 million passenger cars and it is expected to reach 10 million by 2030.
Auto's op een rijtje in een stad

Missed opportunity

Empty spaces in your car park and the lack of parking facilities in the city centre offer opportunities that many companies overlook.

The declining supply and increasing demand for parking spaces in cities present significant opportunities for companies with a car park in or near the city centre. By renting out your parking spaces to third parties, you can reduce your excess capacity and use your car park as a source of income.

Optimise your car park for higher returns

It is clear that there is a high demand for private parking in the city and many opportunities for companies with unused parking spaces. But how can you get more out of your car park as a company?

Step 1: Get insight into your parking space

Gaining insights into the use of your car park is crucial for optimising your parking facilities. Who parks when? How big is your overcapacity on certain days? With smart parking software you get:

  • Insight into the parking behaviour of your tenants, including various parking flows and public groups
  • One central location to manage all your sites
  • The possibility for users to reserve a parking space and charging station

You can then use this data to immediately identify when parking spaces are empty and use them for other purposes.

Step 2: Rent out your empty parking spaces

Once you know the extent of your overcapacity, you can open your car park to paying visitors. By using EasyPark, visitors book a parking space and their details are registered, so you always know who is in your car park.

How much can you earn?

Our latest study shows that with an additional 10% occupancy, companies can earn an average of €24,000 per month. If you have more parking spaces available, your extra revenue can increase significantly. A bonus: by opening unoccupied spaces to private individuals during off-peak hours, you not only increase your revenue but also reduce parking pressure in the area. So it's a win-win!

Toogethr software dashboard met een overzicht van parkeerders die via EasyPark geboekt hebben.

Get more revenue from your car park today

Your car park is likely not full at all times of the day, which is undoubtedly a missed opportunity. By optimising your parking facilities with the help of smart technology and flexible solutions, you can maximise the use of your parking spaces and contribute to society.

Curious about how you can generate more revenue by opening your car park to paying visitors? Discover the EasyPark module by Toogethr Parking whether request a demo right away.

*This calculation is based on data from our current customers with an average business car park of 151 spaces and an average parking rate of €3.80. Please note that location, date, time, and rates may affect the demand for private parking spaces and thus your revenue.