Everything you need to know about Smart Parking for organisations

If you’re involved in parking management, then you’ve likely come across the term smart parking. But what does it mean, and why is it so important? We’ll break it down for you.

What is Smart Parking?

Smart parking refers to the modernisation of car parks and the parking experience using cameras, sensors, mobile apps, and analytics. Most car parks are already secured with barriers, but often access still requires cards or intercom systems. With a smart parking solution, your car park becomes fully automated. This includes reserving a parking space, automatic entry, and payment. Additionally, it involves managing and collecting data to provide insight into your car park’s usage.

How does Smart Parking work?

Access control

With smart parking, you can automate and optimise access control. This involves securing your car park with a barrier and adding a number plate camera (also known as an ANPR camera), QR reader, or card reader. Combined with smart parking software, it’s possible to track who enters and exits the car park and when.

Reserve a parking space or charging station

Drivers can reserve a parking space in advance through an online reservation system. If the number plate or QR code is recognised by the parking system, the barrier opens automatically. Smart parking software also allows for reserving charging stations. Once the car is fully charged, the driver receives a notification, and the next person in line is alerted that the space is available.

Data collection

Automating access control allows you to collect extensive data. You’ll know who parks when, and you’ll gain insights into peak times, no-shows, and empty spaces. This data is stored and displayed in an accessible dashboard.

Smart Parking dashboard with information about capacity and no-shows

Benefits of Smart Parking

Making your car park smart offers numerous advantages, whether it’s for a business car park, a hotel with parking, or properties with spaces for various tenants.

1. Easy and efficient parking

Automating your parking process allows drivers to park without hassle, eliminating the need for passes or intercom calls. Reserving a spot guarantees a space upon arrival.

2. Set up and enforce a parking policy

Companies with business car parks often have a parking policy. With collected parking data, you can establish or optimise this policy, preventing overcrowded car parks. Smart parking solutions allow you to enforce these policies effectively. For example, if your car park is overcrowded on certain days, you can prioritise reservations for those required to be in the office.

Full parking garage

3. Avoiding dangerous situations

A streamlined parking process helps prevent dangerous situations. Overcrowded car parks often lead to cars being parked outside designated bays, potentially blocking emergency exits. Automating your parking process ensures your car park is used efficiently and safely.

4. Less manual work

Automating your parking process reduces the manual workload for your front office or reception. This means no more dealing with passes, queues, or intercom calls, potentially saving up to 8 hours a week.

5. Prevent charging station stickers

One significant benefit is preventing charging station hogging, where drivers leave their electric cars plugged in after they’re fully charged. This frustrates others needing to charge. By allowing employees to reserve charging stations and sending notifications, you can reduce hogging and increase satisfaction.

6. Rent out empty parking spaces

The data you collect will show how many parking spaces remain empty. This information is valuable as you can monetise these empty spaces. Wondering how? Find out how you can generate more revenue from your empty parking spaces.

Automate your car park with Toogethr Smart Parking

Modernising and automating your car park has many benefits, but where do you start? With Toogethr Smart Parking, you not only automate your parking process but also gain comprehensive insights into your parking transactions. Our partnership with EasyPark allows you to make your empty parking spaces available to registered EasyPark users. You decide the availability and hourly rate of your car park.

Interested in what Toogethr can do for you? Contact one of our parking specialists or book a demo today.