Smart access control for your car park: everything you need to know

As a car park owner or manager, you naturally don't want unauthorised individuals parking on your premises. Adding smart access control to your car park can prevent this. But what exactly is smart access control, and what are its benefits?

What is access control for your car park?

Access control, also known as access management, allows you to manage and control who enters your car park and when. This includes your staff, visitors, and anyone else wishing to park on your premises. Often, a barrier or gate is installed at the entrance and exit to keep out unauthorised persons. However, this is not yet smart access control. Usually, the barrier must still be manually opened with a card or keyfob, or entry must be requested via the intercom at reception.

What makes access control smart?

Access control becomes smart when it is automated using modern technologies. This includes pre-booking a parking space and entering via number plate recognition. Smart access control for your car park consists of the following components:

  1. Barrier, speed gate or sliding gate: These secure your car park.
  2. Number plate camera: This camera records the number plate of the parker.
  3. Smartbox: This piece of hardware is added to your barrier, speed gate or sliding gate and communicates with the parking software via an internet connection.
  4. Parking software: This software records who has reserved a space and whether the parker is recognised upon arrival, granting them access accordingly. Additionally, all parking data is maintained in an easy-to-read dashboard.

The benefits of smart access control

Adding smart access control to your car park brings several key advantages.

1. You decide who reserves and parks when

Thanks to smart parking software, you can easily set who is allowed to reserve and when. For example, let people who live more than 25 km from the office reserve earlier than those who live closer. This way, you maintain control over who reserves and parks when.

2. Improved parking experience for staff and visitors

With smart parking software, staff and visitors can easily reserve a spot in your car park. Upon arrival, their number plate is scanned. If the staff member or visitor is recognised, the barrier opens automatically. No more hassle with passes or calling via the intercom. This not only provides a better parking experience but also reduces manual work for reception or front office staff.

Woman with a phone in a parking garage

3. Optimise your parking policy with data

Smart access control allows you to manage not only who parks in your car park but also to collect data on peak times, off-peak hours, and no-shows. You can use this data to improve your parking policy. Do you have overcapacity on Wednesdays and Fridays but undercapacity on Tuesdays and Thursdays? Encourage staff to come to the office on quieter days with an adjusted parking policy.

4. Increased security

Traditional access control often uses passes or keyfobs, which can be easily lost. This is not only inconvenient for the staff member who has to wait to be let in by reception or the front office again but can also lead to security risks if unauthorised individuals obtain a pass. By allowing parkers to enter using number plate recognition, you ensure that only authorised persons have access.

Make your access control smart with Toogethr

Are you curious about how to add smart access control to your car park? With Toogethr Smart Parking, you can allow parkers to enter easily using number plate recognition, while also gaining insights into all your parking data. Contact one of our smart parking experts today or book a personalised demo.